Monday, August 2, 2010

To the floor!

Emmie is already making A's on her report card. Check out the 100% O2 sat!
Snoozing in the ICU
Frog face
Smiles for everyone
One last ICU rounds and checkup with our favorite Dr. Allen!

As you can see above, Emmie was doing so well today that she was kicked out of the ICU! We are now on the floor and plotting our escape out of the hospital all together. Emmie's blood pressure and heart rate are much better. She still has a slight O2 requirement because of all of the fluid on her lungs but that is getting better and better everyday! She lost almost a pound overnight in fluid. Her ileus has resolved and she feels so much better. She is smiling, laughing, and winning the hearts of all the nurses. She was referred to as the cutest baby in the ICU and on the floor so often, it went to all of our heads- but it WAS true! Nurses came from all over to check her out and then promptly agreed with their colleagues that she was indeed the cutest and sweetest baby around.

The plan for this week is to wean her oxygen, get an echo and lung scan to make sure everything is going well, taper her off the lasix and propanolol, and then hopefully make our move to the exit signs. If all goes perfectly, we will be discharged Friday. They want us to stick around for about a week or so and see them in clinic next week given Emmie's history of infection last time. We are certainly ready to come home, but at least we won't have to spend that last week in the hospital.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for keeping this updated with new pictures. I love that incredibly pink little girl!

