Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What a difference a week makes!

Jail break- we visited the garden today!
notice no oxygen- well at least no supplemental oxygen!

It's amazing what a difference a week makes! We said from the beginning we had to just put our heads down and gut it out. It was certainly a horrible few days, but this smile makes it all better. She is off supplemental oxygen and her O2 sats are in the upper 90s! She is so pink- it's hard to believe how blue our little smurf was prior to her surgery. They have changed all of her meds to po (by mouth) and are now tapering her propanolol. She will probably go home on Lasix for a few weeks and then stop it later.

The tentative plan is a lung scan tomorrow or Thursday and an echo on Friday. If all goes well, we may be discharged Friday night. The doctors want us to stick around next week so they can see her one last time. We have an appointment with Dr. Marx on Thursday August 12th and we fly home on August 13th (Friday). Usually, I would be creeped out by flying on Friday the 13th, but I can't wait to get home to NOLA!

Emmie did well picking August for her surgery. It was a nice reprieve from NOLA's heat/humidity; however, I have discussed with her that we will be happy to take her on vacation rather than surgery next summer if the heat was getting to her.


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